A project I’m most proud of is this major long-distance road rally – a fund raising event for the Michigan Association of Children’s Alliances. It lasted 11-years and enjoyed varying levels of corporate sponsorship from Michelin, Buick, WJR Radio, and others. Modeled after the epic One Lap of America rallies the MACA Grand Tour integrated about a dozen residential child welfare agencies into the project resulting in remarkably gratifying synergies as we brought disparate groups of people together, that is, sports car lovers and the child welfare community. MACA office manager Ann Jack I created the event. We enlisted the support of the MACA board of directors, the Sports Car Club of America, a West Michigan sports car club and many volunteers to put on this event that included time-speed-distance competitions, autocrosses and long transits while visiting residential and out-patient child welfare agencies all around the state.