
A multi-media automotive journalist, Steve Purdy has projects in print, broadcasting, photography, public relations and a variety of other fields.
A native of mid Michigan Steve grew up on a pure-bred cattle farm with an appreciation of nature and the values of the rural Midwest. Developing an interest in automobiles as a teenager he consistently sought jobs that involved driving. As a young adult he drove a city bus and participated with his younger brother’s SCCA and CanAm racing teams.
With a degree in Political Science from Michigan State University, Steve spent nearly 28 years doing social work which involved extensive writing of court reports, family assessments and treatment plans for juvenile delinquents. That resulted in his becoming a prolific writer and being attuned to the nuances of unique personalities. About half way through that social work career he began doing a variety of automotive and motorsports projects requiring extensive writing and photography. Travel writing also became a special interest as he recorded frequent adventures with his wife Cathy.
When the State offered an early retirement incentive, Steve raised his hand, left the social work career and converted the part-time automotive journalism activities to full-time making the connection with The Auto Channel and jumping into many other projects and connections.
Associations and Memberships
Charter Member of the Automotive Press Association in Detroit
Activist and Chapter Coordinator for the National Motorists Association
Member of the Midwest Auto Media Association in Chicago
Founding Member of the Individual Communicators Network
Founding President and Board Member of the new Detroit Press Club
Trustee of the National Automotive History Collection of the Detroit Public Library
Member of the Board of Directors of the Society of Automotive Historians
Member of the Historic Vehicle Association
Member of the MotorCities National Heritage Area
Member of the Classic Car Club of America
Author of MASCOTS OF MOTION, Images and Stories of Automotive Aesthetics. Having produced three vanity books for various clients I’m now fully engaged in producing my own book project – a coffee-table art book featuring images of classic car hood ornaments, badges and related artful images from my 45 years of serious photography and the stories that go with them.
Frequently Asked Question
Are you related to the legendary auto writer Ken W. Purdy?
Answer: Probably. We’ve traced my family back to the 1630s and Francis Purdy who came from England. I can only find Ken W.’s history to his boyhood in Wisconsin.
Anyone know anything more about his family? If so, I’d sure like to hear it. But, I certainly aspire to his level of eloquence and his appreciation of automobiles.